Search Results for "gas kinetic theory"
4901 - 4910 of 13134 for gas kinetic theorySearch Results

An (n-2)-dimensional face of an n-dimensional polytope.
If the fourth moment mu_4!=0, then P(|x^_-mu_4|>=lambda)<=(mu_4+3(N-1)sigma^4)/(N^3lambda^4), where sigma^2 is the variance.
An operator definition of a function. A Rodrigues formula may be converted into a Schläfli integral.
A 1×n matrix [a_(11) a_(12) ... a_(1n)].
A surface possessing a saddle point.
Consider a game, first proposed by Nicolaus Bernoulli, in which a player bets on how many tosses of a coin will be needed before it first turns up heads. The player pays a ...
A point at which two noncrossing branches of a curve meet with different tangents.
The word saltus has two different meanings: either a jump or an oscillation of a function.
A formula is called satisfiable if it takes at least one true value in some interpretation.
S(nu,z) = int_0^infty(1+t)^(-nu)e^(-zt)dt (1) = z^(nu-1)e^zint_z^inftyu^(-nu)e^(-u)du (2) = z^(nu/2-1)e^(z/2)W_(-nu/2,(1-nu)/2)(z), (3) where W_(k,m)(z) is the Whittaker ...