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3651 - 3660 of 13134 for gas kinetic theorySearch Results
The longest path problem asks to find a path of maximum length in a given graph. The problem is NP-complete, but there exists an efficient dynamic programming solution for ...
The Lorentz group is the group L of time-preserving linear isometries of Minkowski space R^((3,1)) with the Minkowski metric dtau^2=-(dx^0)^2+(dx^1)^2+(dx^2)^2+(dx^3)^2 ...
11 11 1 11 2 2 11 2 4 2 11 3 6 6 3 11 3 9 10 9 3 11 4 12 19 19 12 4 11 4 16 28 38 28 16 4 11 5 20 44 66 66 44 20 5 11 5 25 60 110 126 110 60 25 5 1 (1) Losanitsch's triangle ...
Low-dimensional topology usually deals with objects that are two-, three-, or four-dimensional in nature. Properly speaking, low-dimensional topology should be part of ...
A Lucas chain for an integer n>=1 is an increasing sequence 1=a_0<a_1<a_2<...<a_r=n of integers such that every a_k, k>=1, can be written as a sum a_k=a_i+a_j of smaller ...
When P and Q are integers such that D=P^2-4Q!=0, define the Lucas sequence {U_k} by U_k=(a^k-b^k)/(a-b) for k>=0, with a and b the two roots of x^2-Px+Q=0. Then define a ...
An n-step Lucas sequence {L_k^((n))}_(k=1)^infty is defined by letting L_k^((n))=-1 for k<0, L_0^((n))=n, and other terms according to the linear recurrence equation ...
Machin's formula is given by 1/4pi=4cot^(-1)5-cot^(-1)239. There are a whole class of Machin-like formulas with various numbers of terms (although only four such formulas ...
Consider the Lagrange interpolating polynomial f(x)=b_0+(x-1)(b_1+(x-2)(b_3+(x-3)+...)) (1) through the points (n,p_n), where p_n is the nth prime. For the first few points, ...
A set of n magic circles is a numbering of the intersections of the n circles such that the sum over all intersections is the same constant for all circles. The above sets of ...
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