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2451 - 2460 of 13134 for gas kinetic theorySearch Results
Every "large" even number may be written as 2n=p+m where p is a prime and m in P union P_2 is the set of primes P and semiprimes P_2.
Chevalley's theorem, also known as the Chevalley-Waring theorem, states that if f is a polynomial in F[x_1,...,x_n], where F is a finite field of field characteristic p, and ...
A problem asking for the shortest tour of a graph which visits each edge at least once (Kwan 1962; Skiena 1990, p. 194). For an Eulerian graph, an Eulerian cycle is the ...
Let O be an order of an imaginary quadratic field. The class equation of O is the equation H_O=0, where H_O is the extension field minimal polynomial of j(O) over Q, with ...
The clique covering number theta(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of cliques in G needed to cover the vertex set of G. Since theta(G) involves the minimum number of ...
A linear operator A:D(A)->H from its domain D(A) into a Hilbert space H is closable if it has a closed extension B:D(B)->H where D(A) subset D(B). Closable operators are ...
A coequalizer of a pair of maps f,g:X->Y in a category is a map c:Y->C such that 1. c degreesf=c degreesg, where degrees denotes composition. 2. For any other map c^':Y->C^' ...
The commutator subgroup (also called a derived group) of a group G is the subgroup generated by the commutators of its elements, and is commonly denoted G^' or [G,G]. It is ...
Let K subset V subset S^3 be a knot that is geometrically essential in a standard embedding of the solid torus V in the three-sphere S^3. Let K_1 subset S^3 be another knot ...
Suppose <= is a partial ordering on a nonempty set A. Then the elements a,b in A are said to be comparable provided a<=b or b<=a. Because two elements in a partially ordered ...
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