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Given a square matrix M, the following are equivalent: 1. |M|!=0. 2. The columns of M are linearly independent. 3. The rows of M are linearly independent. 4. Range(M) = R^n. ...
At least one power series solution will be obtained when applying the Frobenius method if the expansion point is an ordinary, or regular, singular point. The number of roots ...
A group representation of a group G on a vector space V can be restricted to a subgroup H. For example, the symmetric group on three letters has a representation phi on R^2 ...
The Hilbert-Schmidt norm of a matrix A is a matrix norm defined by ||A||_(HS)=sqrt(sum_(i,j)a_(ij)^2).
Let H be a subgroup of G. A subset T of elements of G is called a left transversal of H if T contains exactly one element of each left coset of H.
For a two-dimensional map with sigma_2>sigma_1, d_(Lya)=1-(sigma_1)/(sigma_2), where sigma_n are the Lyapunov characteristic exponents.
The radical circle of the McCay circles has center (1) which is not a Kimberling center, and radius (2) where (3) Its circle function is (4) where (5) which is also does not ...
A topology induced by the metric g defined on a metric space X. The open sets are all subsets that can be realized as the unions of open balls B(x_0,r)={x in X|g(x_0,x)<r}, ...
Given an original knot K, the knots produced by mutations together with K itself are called mutant knots. Mutant knots are often difficult to distinguish. For instance, ...
A perfect field is a field F such that every algebraic extension is separable. Any field in field characteristic zero, such as the rationals or the p-adics, or any finite ...
