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The number of ways to arrange n distinct objects along a fixed (i.e., cannot be picked up out of the plane and turned over) circle is P_n=(n-1)!. The number is (n-1)! instead ...
The categorical notion which is dual to product. The coproduct of a family {X_i}_(i in I) of objects of a category is an object C=coproduct_(i in I)X_i, together with a ...
Gomoku, also called go-moku (Japanese for "five points") is a tic-tac-toe-like game in which two players alternately place pieces, with each player using pieces of a fixed ...
This problem is NP-complete (Garey and Johnson 1983).
Resolution is a widely used word with many different meanings. It can refer to resolution of equations, resolution of singularities (in algebraic geometry), resolution of ...
A sentence is a logic formula in which every variable is quantified. The concept of a sentence is important because formulas with variables that are not quantified are ...
The Steenrod algebra has to do with the cohomology operations in singular cohomology with integer mod 2 coefficients. For every n in Z and i in {0,1,2,3,...} there are ...
A graph is strongly perfect if every induced subgraph H has an independent vertex set meeting all maximal cliques of H (Berge and Duchet 1984, Ravindra 1999). Every strongly ...
The Barnette-Bosák-Lederberg graph is a graph on 38 vertices which is the smallest known example of a planar 3-connected nonhamiltonian graph, i.e., the smallest known ...
The deltoidal hexecontahedral graph is an Archimedean dual graph which is the skeleton of the deltoidal hexecontahedron as well as the rhombic hexecontahedron. It is ...
