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The Kneser graphs are a class of graph introduced by Lovász (1978) to prove Kneser's conjecture. Given two positive integers n and k, the Kneser graph K(n,k), often denoted ...
A Dirichlet L-series is a series of the form L_k(s,chi)=sum_(n=1)^inftychi_k(n)n^(-s), (1) where the number theoretic character chi_k(n) is an integer function with period k, ...
A function which arises in the fractional integral of e^(at), given by E_t(nu,a) = (e^(at))/(Gamma(nu))int_0^tx^(nu-1)e^(-ax)dx (1) = (a^(-nu)e^(at)gamma(nu,at))/(Gamma(nu)), ...
An Egyptian fraction is a sum of positive (usually) distinct unit fractions. The famous Rhind papyrus, dated to around 1650 BC contains a table of representations of 2/n as ...
A number n is called an Egyptian number if it is the sum of the denominators in some unit fraction representation of a positive whole number not consisting entirely of 1s. ...
The continued fraction for K is [2; 1, 2, 5, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, ...] (OEIS A002211). A plot of the first 256 terms of the continued fraction represented as a sequence of binary ...
For a real number x in (0,1), let m be the number of terms in the convergent to a regular continued fraction that are required to represent n decimal places of x. Then for ...
A mixed fraction is an improper fraction p/q>1 written in the form n+r/s. In common usage such as cooking recipes, n+r/s is often written as n r/s (e.g., 1 1/2), much to the ...
A noble number nu is defined as an irrational number having a continued fraction that becomes an infinite sequence of 1s at some point, nu=[0,a_1,a_2,...,a_n,1^_]. The ...
A fraction containing each of the digits 1 through 9 is called a pandigital fraction. The following table gives the number of pandigital fractions which represent simple unit ...
