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A point B is said to lie between points A and C (where A, B, and C are distinct collinear points) if AB+BC=AC. A number of Euclid's proofs depend on the idea of betweenness ...
For an algebraic curve, the total number of groups of a g_N^r consisting in a point of multiplicity k_1, one of multiplicity k_2, ..., one of multiplicity k_rho, where sumk_i ...
A crossing in a knot diagram for which there exists a circle in the projection plane meeting the diagram transversely at that crossing, but not meeting the diagram at any ...
A sphere is defined as the set of all points in three-dimensional Euclidean space R^3 that are located at a distance r (the "radius") from a given point (the "center"). Twice ...
A periodic continued fraction is a continued fraction (generally a regular continued fraction) whose terms eventually repeat from some point onwards. The minimal number of ...
Consider the plane quartic curve X defined by x^3y+y^3z+z^3x=0, where homogeneous coordinates have been used here so that z can be considered a parameter (the plot above ...
Cauchy's functional equation is the equation f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y). It was proved by Cauchy in 1821 that the only continuous solutions of this functional equation from R into R ...
An asymptotic direction at a point p of a regular surface M in R^3 is a direction in which the normal curvature of M vanishes. 1. There are no asymptotic directions at an ...
The point that inversion of a curve is performed with respect to.
Let P=alpha:beta:gamma be a point not on a sideline of a reference triangle DeltaABC. Let A^' be the point of intersection AP intersection BC, B^'=BP intersection AC, and ...
