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The interior of the triangle is the set of all points inside a triangle, i.e., the set of all points in the convex hull of the triangle's vertices. The simplest way to ...
A quantitative measure of the simplicity of a geometric construction which reduces geometric constructions to five steps. It was devised by È. Lemoine. S_1 Place a ...
Pick two real numbers x and y at random in (0,1) with a uniform distribution. What is the probability P_(even) that [x/y], where [r] denotes the nearest integer function, is ...
A circumhyperbola is a circumconic that is a hyperbola. A rectangular circumhyperbola always passes through the orthocenter H and has center on the nine-point circle ...
A set of numbers obeying a pattern like the following: 91·37 = 3367 (1) 9901·3367 = 33336667 (2) 999001·333667 = 333333666667 (3) 99990001·33336667 = 3333333366666667 (4) 4^2 ...
By way of analogy with the eban numbers, aban numbers are defined as numbers whose English names do not contain the letter "a" (i.e., "a" is banned). Note that this ...
It is possible to construct simple functions which produce growing patterns. For example, the Baxter-Hickerson function f(n)=1/3(2·10^(5n)-10^(4n)+2·10^(3n)+10^(2n)+10^n+1) ...
The pentanacci numbers are a generalization of the Fibonacci numbers defined by P_0=0, P_1=1, P_2=1, P_3=2, P_4=4, and the recurrence relation ...
The eban numbers are the sequence of numbers whose names (in English) do not contain the letter "e" (i.e., "e" is "banned"). The name was coined by N. J. A. Sloane around ...
Let G be a finite graph and v a vertex of G. The stabilizer of v, stab(v), is the set of group elements {g in Aut(G)|g(v)=v}, where Aut(g) is the graph automorphism group. ...
