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Highly composite numbers are numbers such that divisor function d(n)=sigma_0(n) (i.e., the number of divisors of n) is greater than for any smaller n. Superabundant numbers ...
Consecutive number sequences are sequences constructed by concatenating numbers of a given type. Many of these sequences were considered by Smarandache and so are sometimes ...
Arithmetic is the branch of mathematics dealing with integers or, more generally, numerical computation. Arithmetical operations include addition, congruence calculation, ...
A Pascal's triangle written in a square grid and padded with zeros, as written by Jakob Bernoulli (Smith 1984). The figurate number triangle therefore has entries a_(ij)=(i; ...
A figurate number of the form, CCub_n=n^3+(n-1)^3=(2n-1)(n^2-n+1). The first few are 1, 9, 35, 91, 189, 341, ... (OEIS A005898). The generating function for the centered cube ...
A multiplicative number theoretic function is a number theoretic function f that has the property f(mn)=f(m)f(n) (1) for all pairs of relatively prime positive integers m and ...
Given a Lyapunov characteristic exponent sigma_i, the corresponding Lyapunov characteristic number lambda_i is defined as lambda_i=e^(sigma_i). (1) For an n-dimensional ...
Marsaglia (1972) has given a simple method for selecting points with a uniform distribution on the surface of a 4-sphere. This is accomplished by picking two pairs of points ...
The projective plane crossing number of a graph is the minimal number of crossings with which the graph can be drawn on the real projective plane. A graph with projective ...
In random number computation, a seed is an initial number used as the starting point in a random number generating algorithm. In a dynamical system, a seed is a starting ...
