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2821 - 2830 of 13135 for floating point numberSearch Results
The numerators and denominators obtained by taking the ratios of adjacent terms in the triangular array of the number of +1 "bordered" alternating sign matrices A_n with a 1 ...
For a braid with M strands, R components, P positive crossings, and N negative crossings, {P-N<=U_++M-R if P>=N; P-N<=U_-+M-R if P<=N, (1) where U_+/- are the smallest number ...
The maximal number of regions into which space can be divided by n planes is f(n)=1/6(n^3+5n+6) (Yaglom and Yaglom 1987, pp. 102-106). For n=1, 2, ..., these give the values ...
The number of staircase walks on a grid with m horizontal lines and n vertical lines is given by (m+n; m)=((m+n)!)/(m!n!) (Vilenkin 1971, Mohanty 1979, Narayana 1979, Finch ...
A recursive function devised by I. Takeuchi in 1978 (Knuth 1998). For integers x, y, and z, it is defined by (1) This can be described more simply by t(x,y,z)={y if x<=y; {z ...
A totally ordered set (A,<=) is said to be well ordered (or have a well-founded order) iff every nonempty subset of A has a least element (Ciesielski 1997, p. 38; Moore 1982, ...
Let one grain of wheat be placed on the first square of a chessboard, two on the second, four on the third, eight on the fourth, etc. How many grains total are placed on an ...
The Fuhrmann triangle of a reference triangle DeltaABC is the triangle DeltaF_CF_BF_A formed by reflecting the mid-arc points arcM_A, arcM_B, arcM_C about the lines AB, AC, ...
A zerofree number n is called right truncatable if n and all numbers obtained by successively removing the rightmost digits are prime. There are exactly 83 right truncatable ...
The Beatty sequence is a spectrum sequence with an irrational base. In other words, the Beatty sequence corresponding to an irrational number theta is given by |_theta_|, ...
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