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2561 - 2570 of 13135 for floating point numberSearch Results
A Dirichlet L-series is a series of the form L_k(s,chi)=sum_(n=1)^inftychi_k(n)n^(-s), (1) where the number theoretic character chi_k(n) is an integer function with period k, ...
An element of an adèle group, sometimes called a repartition in older literature (e.g., Chevalley 1951, p. 25). Adèles arise in both number fields and function fields. The ...
Given a graph G, the arboricity Upsilon(G) is the minimum number of edge-disjoint acyclic subgraphs (i.e., spanning forests) whose union is G. An acyclic graph therefore has ...
In the theory of transfinite ordinal numbers, 1. Every well ordered set has a unique ordinal number, 2. Every segment of ordinals (i.e., any set of ordinals arranged in ...
A dimension also called the fractal dimension, Hausdorff dimension, and Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension in which nonintegral values are permitted. Objects whose capacity ...
The maximum number of pieces into which a cylinder can be divided by n oblique cuts is given by f(n) = (n+1; 3)+n+1 (1) = 1/6(n+1)(n^2-n+6) (2) = 1/6(n^3+5n+6), (3) where (a; ...
An ordinal number is called an initial ordinal if every smaller ordinal has a smaller cardinal number (Moore 1982, p. 248; Rubin 1967, p. 271). The omega_alphas ordinal ...
A minimum edge cover is an edge cover having the smallest possible number of edges for a given graph. The size of a minimum edge cover of a graph is known as the edge cover ...
The twinplex graph is the graph illustrated above in a number of embeddings which corresponds to the graph labeled Gamma_2 in Fischer and Little (2011). It is a cubic ...
Heule graphs are a set of unit-distance graphs with chromatic number five derived by Marijn Heule in April 2018 to July 2918 from the 1581-vertex de Grey Graph (Heule 2018). ...
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