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The de Longchamps point L is the reflection of the orthocenter H about the circumcenter O of a triangle. It has triangle center function alpha=cosA-cosBcosC, (1) and is ...
The Dottie number is the name given by Kaplan (2007) to the unique real root of cosx=x (namely, the unique real fixed point of the cosine function), which is 0.739085... ...
A simple point process (or SPP) is an almost surely increasing sequence of strictly positive, possibly infinite random variables which are strictly increasing as long as they ...
The first de Villiers point is the perspector of the reference triangle and its BCI triangle, which is Kimberling center X_(1127) and has triangle center function ...
The Longuet-Higgins point is the radical center of the circles centered at the vertices A, B, and C of a reference triangle with respective radii b+c, c+a, and a+b. It has ...
Consider a line segment of length 1, and pick a point x at random between [0,1]. This point x divides the line into line segments of length x and 1-x. If a set of points are ...
Any continuous function G:B^n->B^n has a fixed point, where B^n={x in R^n:x_1^2+...+x_n^2<=1} is the unit n-ball.
Sylvester's four-point problem asks for the probability q(R) that four points chosen at random in a planar region R have a convex hull which is a quadrilateral (Sylvester ...
A fixed point for which the stability matrix has both eigenvalues of the same sign (i.e., both are positive or both are negative). If lambda_1<lambda_2<0, then the node is ...
Let K be a finite complex, let h:|K|->|K| be a continuous map. If Lambda(h)!=0, then h has a fixed point.
