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An iterated map is a map that is applied repeatedly to an object. The Wolfram Language function NestList[f, expr, n] gives a list of the results of iterating the function f n ...
Since each triplet of Yff circles are congruent and pass through a single point, they obey Johnson's theorem. As a result, in each case, there is a fourth circle congruent to ...
Johnson's theorem states that if three equal circles mutually intersect one another in a single point, then the circle passing through their other three pairwise points of ...
A Kähler metric is a Riemannian metric g on a complex manifold which gives M a Kähler structure, i.e., it is a Kähler manifold with a Kähler form. However, the term "Kähler ...
The Lebesgue integral is defined in terms of upper and lower bounds using the Lebesgue measure of a set. It uses a Lebesgue sum S_n=sum_(i)eta_imu(E_i) where eta_i is the ...
The function defined by chi_nu(z)=sum_(k=0)^infty(z^(2k+1))/((2k+1)^nu). (1) It is related to the polylogarithm by chi_nu(z) = 1/2[Li_nu(z)-Li_nu(-z)] (2) = ...
There are several conflicting meanings associated with the notation lgx. In German and Russian literature, the notation lgx is used to mean the common logarithm log_(10)x. ...
Consider a collection of diagonal matrices H_1,...,H_k, which span a subspace h. Then the ith eigenvalue, i.e., the ith entry along the diagonal, is a linear functional on h, ...
A linear equation is an algebraic equation of the form y=mx+b involving only a constant and a first-order (linear) term, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. The ...
lnx is the notation used in physics and engineering to denote the logarithm to base e, also called the natural logarithm, i.e., lnx=log_ex. The United States Department of ...
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