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An axiomatic system is said to be categorical if there is only one essentially distinct representation for it. In particular, the names and types of objects within the system ...
A system of equation types obtained by generalizing the differential equation for the normal distribution (dy)/(dx)=(y(m-x))/a, (1) which has solution y=Ce^((2m-x)x/(2a)), ...
A three-dimensional coordinate system in which the axes do not satisfy the right-hand rule.
A three-dimensional coordinate system in which the axes satisfy the right-hand rule.
A Kirkman triple system of order v=6n+3 is a Steiner triple system with parallelism (Ball and Coxeter 1987), i.e., one with the following additional stipulation: the set of ...
An orthogonal coordinate system is a system of curvilinear coordinates in which each family of surfaces intersects the others at right angles. Orthogonal coordinates ...
A substitution system in which rules are used to operate on a string consisting of letters of a certain alphabet. String rewriting systems are also variously known as ...
A Steiner quadruple system is a Steiner system S(t=3,k=4,v), where S is a v-set and B is a collection of k-sets of S such that every t-subset of S is contained in exactly one ...
To solve the system of differential equations (dx)/(dt)=Ax(t)+p(t), (1) where A is a matrix and x and p are vectors, first consider the homogeneous case with p=0. The ...
An illusion due to Franz Joseph Delboeuf, a Belgian philosopher and expert on hypnosis. If the same circle is placed inside two different concentric circles, its size will ...
