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The biconjugate gradient method often displays rather irregular convergence behavior. Moreover, the implicit LU decomposition of the reduced tridiagonal system may not exist, ...
A real polynomial P is said to be stable if all its roots lie in the left half-plane. The term "stable" is used to describe such a polynomial because, in the theory of linear ...
An incidence system (v, k, lambda, r, b) in which a set X of v points is partitioned into a family A of b subsets (blocks) in such a way that any two points determine lambda ...
A Lyapunov function is a scalar function V(y) defined on a region D that is continuous, positive definite, V(y)>0 for all y!=0), and has continuous first-order partial ...
The Lyapunov characteristic exponent [LCE] gives the rate of exponential divergence from perturbed initial conditions. To examine the behavior of an orbit around a point ...
Determinants are mathematical objects that are very useful in the analysis and solution of systems of linear equations. As shown by Cramer's rule, a nonhomogeneous system of ...
Given a triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3, the points A_1, I, and J_1 lie on a line, where I is the incenter and J_1 is the excenter corresponding to A_1. Furthermore, the circle with ...
The Wolfram Physics Project posits the existence of abstract relations between atoms of space whose pattern defines the structure of physical space. In this approach, two ...
The x- (horizontal) coordinate of a point in a two dimensional coordinate system. Physicists and astronomers sometimes use the term to refer to the axis itself instead of the ...
An algorithm that can always be used to decide whether a given polynomial is free of zeros in the closed unit disk (or, using an entire linear transformation, to any other ...
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