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Pythagoras's constant sqrt(2) has decimal expansion sqrt(2)=1.4142135623... (OEIS A000129), It was computed to 2000000000050 decimal digits by A. J. Yee on Feb. 9, 2012. The ...
The base-3 method of counting in which only the digits 0, 1, and 2 are used. Ternary numbers arise in a number of problems in mathematics, including some problems of ...
Theodorus's constant sqrt(3) has decimal expansion sqrt(3)=1.732050807... (OEIS A002194). It was computed to 10^(10) decimal digits by E. Weisstein on Jul. 23, 2013. The ...
A p-adic number is an extension of the field of rationals such that congruences modulo powers of a fixed prime p are related to proximity in the so called "p-adic metric." ...
The nth central trinomial coefficient is defined as the coefficient of x^n in the expansion of (1+x+x^2)^n. It is therefore the middle column of the trinomial triangle, i.e., ...
The elliptic lambda function lambda(tau) is a lambda-modular function defined on the upper half-plane by lambda(tau)=(theta_2^4(0,q))/(theta_3^4(0,q)), (1) where tau is the ...
A prime p for which 1/p has a maximal period decimal expansion of p-1 digits. Full reptend primes are sometimes also called long primes (Conway and Guy 1996, pp. 157-163 and ...
"The" I graph is the path graph on two vertices: P_2. An I-graph I(n,j,k) for 1<=j,k<n and j,k!=n/2 is a generalization of a generalized Petersen graph and has vertex set ...
The Jacobian conjecture in the plane, first stated by Keller (1939), states that given a ring map F of C[x,y] (the polynomial ring in two variables over the complex numbers ...
The numerical value of Khinchin's constant K is given by K=2.685452001... (OEIS A002210). However, the numerical value of K is notoriously difficult to calculate to high ...
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