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If f(x) is piecewise continuous and has a generalized Fourier series sum_(i)a_iphi_i(x) (1) with weighting function w(x), it must be true that ...
Binet's first formula for the log gamma function lnGamma(z), where Gamma(z) is a gamma function, is given by for R[z]>0 (Erdélyi et al. 1981, p. 21; Whittaker and Watson ...
An apodization function given by A(x)=(21)/(50)+1/2cos((pix)/a)+2/(25)cos((2pix)/a), (1) which has full width at half maximum of 0.810957a. This function is defined so that ...
Use the definition of the q-series (a;q)_n=product_(j=0)^(n-1)(1-aq^j) (1) and define [N; M]=((q^(N-M+1);q)_M)/((q;q)_m). (2) Then P. Borwein has conjectured that (1) the ...
A Cartesian product of any finite or infinite set I of copies of Z_2, equipped with the product topology derived from the discrete topology of Z_2. It is denoted Z_2^I. The ...
The Cesàro means of a function f are the arithmetic means sigma_n=1/n(s_0+...+s_(n-1)), (1) n=1, 2, ..., where the addend s_k is the kth partial sum ...
A description of an object by properties that are different from those mentioned in its definition, but are equivalent to them. The following list gives a number of examples. ...
Given a factor a of a number n=ab, the cofactor of a is b=n/a. A different type of cofactor, sometimes called a cofactor matrix, is a signed version of a minor M_(ij) defined ...
_0F_1(;a;z)=lim_(q->infty)_1F_1(q;a;z/q). (1) It has a series expansion _0F_1(;a;z)=sum_(n=0)^infty(z^n)/((a)_nn!) (2) and satisfies z(d^2y)/(dz^2)+a(dy)/(dz)-y=0. (3) It is ...
Darboux's formula is a theorem on the expansion of functions in infinite series and essentially consists of integration by parts on a specific integrand product of functions. ...
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