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Rational numbers are countable, so an order can be placed on them just like the natural numbers. Although such an ordering is not obvious (nor unique), one such ordering can ...
Somos defines a rational triangle as a triangle such that all three sides measured relative to each other are rational. Koblitz (1993) defined a congruent number as an ...
If the coefficients of the polynomial d_nx^n+d_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+d_0=0 (1) are specified to be integers, then rational roots must have a numerator which is a factor of d_0 and ...
"The rationals" refers to the set of rational numbers and is commonly denoted Q.
The constant ratio by which all distances are increased (or decreased) in a similarity. A similarity with ratio of magnification equal to 1 is called an isometry.
A moment mu_n of a probability function P(x) taken about 0, mu_n^' = <x^n> (1) = intx^nP(x)dx. (2) The raw moments mu_n^' (sometimes also called "crude moments") can be ...
There are several definitions of a ray. When viewed as a vector, a ray is a vector AB^-> from a point A to a point B. In geometry, a ray is usually taken as a half-infinite ...
A technique for computing eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. It proceeds by requiring J=int_a^b[p(x)y_x^2-q(x)y^2]dx (1) to have a stationary value subject to the normalization ...
y^('')-mu(1-1/3y^('2))y^'+y=0, where mu>0. Differentiating and setting y=y^' gives the van der Pol equation. The equation y^('')-mu(1-y^('2))y^'+y=0 with the 1/3 replaced by ...
The distribution with probability density function and distribution function P(r) = (re^(-r^2/(2s^2)))/(s^2) (1) D(r) = 1-e^(-r^2/(2s^2)) (2) for r in [0,infty) and parameter ...
