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A planar hypohamiltonian graph is a hypohamiltonian graph that is also planar. A number of planar hypohamiltonian graphs are illustrated above. Chvátal (1973) first asked if ...
A planar hypotraceable graph is a hypotraceable graph that is also planar. A number of planar hypotraceable graphs are illustrated above. Using a theorem of Thomassen (1974), ...
A point p on a regular surface M in R^3 is said to be planar if the Gaussian curvature K(p)=0 and S(p)=0 (where S is the shape operator), or equivalently, both of the ...
Flat polygons embedded in three-space can be transformed into a congruent planar polygon as follows. First, translate the starting vertex to (0, 0, 0) by subtracting it from ...
Let (xi_1,xi_2) be a locally Euclidean coordinate system. Then ds^2=dxi_1^2+dxi_2^2. (1) Now plug in dxi_1=(partialxi_1)/(partialx_1)dx_1+(partialxi_1)/(partialx_2)dx_2 (2) ...
A planar straight line embedding of a planar graph is a planar embedding in which only straight line segments are used to connect the graph vertices. Fáry (1948) showed that ...
Plancherel's theorem states that the integral of the squared modulus of a function is equal to the integral of the squared modulus of its spectrum. It corresponds to ...
Planck's's radiation function is the function f(x)=(15)/(pi^4)1/(x^5(e^(1/x)-1)), (1) which is normalized so that int_0^inftyf(x)dx=1. (2) However, the function is sometimes ...
A space-filling function which maps a one-dimensional interval into a two-dimensional area. Plane-filling functions were thought to be impossible until Hilbert discovered the ...
Two planes always intersect in a line as long as they are not parallel. Let the planes be specified in Hessian normal form, then the line of intersection must be ...
