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A nonzero vector v=(v_0,v_1,...,v_(n-1)) in n-dimensional Lorentzian space R^(1,n-1) is said to be negative lightlike if it has zero (Lorentzian) norm and if its first ...
The term negative likelihood ratio is also used (especially in medicine) to test nonnested complementary hypotheses as follows, NLR = ([false negative rate])/([true negative ...
A negative matrix is a real or integer matrix (a)_(ij) for which each matrix element is a negative number, i.e., a_(ij)<0 for all i, j. Negative matrices are therefore a ...
Let f:R->R, then the negative part of f is the function f^-:R->R defined by f^-(x)=max(-f(x),0). Note that the negative part is itself a nonnegative function. The negative ...
Given a curve C and O=(x_0,y_0) a fixed point called the pedal point, then for a point P on C, draw a line perpendicular to OP. The envelope of these lines as P describes the ...
The negative real axis is the portion of the real axis with x<0.
A negative semidefinite matrix is a Hermitian matrix all of whose eigenvalues are nonpositive. A matrix m may be tested to determine if it is negative semidefinite in the ...
A nonzero vector v=(v_0,v_1,...,v_(n-1)) in n-dimensional Lorentzian space R^(1,n-1) is said to be negative timelike if it has imaginary (Lorentzian) norm and if its first ...
"Neighborhood" is a word with many different levels of meaning in mathematics. One of the most general concepts of a neighborhood of a point x in R^n (also called an ...
The neighborhood complex N(G) of a locally finite graph G is defined as the abstract simplicial complex formed by the subsets of the neighborhoods of all vertices of G.
