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An oval whose construction is illustrated in the above diagram.
The moth graph is the 6-vertex graph illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["MothGraph"].
Polynomials s_k(x) which form the Sheffer sequence for f(t)=-(2t)/(1-t^2) (1) and have exponential generating function ...
The Motzkin numbers enumerate various combinatorial objects. Donaghey and Shapiro (1977) give 14 different manifestations of these numbers. In particular, they give the ...
For all x, y, a in an alternative algebra A, (xax)y = x[a(xy)] (1) y(xax) = [(yx)a]x (2) (xy)(ax) = x(ya)x (3) (Schafer 1996, p. 28).
An algebraic loop L is a Moufang loop if all triples of elements x, y, and z in L satisfy the Moufang identities, i.e., if 1. z(x(zy))=((zx)z)y, 2. x(z(yz))=((xz)y)z, 3. ...
A projective plane in which every line is a translation line is called a Moufang plane.
A permutation problem invented by Cayley. Let the numbers 1, 2, ..., n be written on a set of cards, and shuffle this deck of cards. Now, start counting using the top card. ...
A principal vertex x_i of a simple polygon P is called a mouth if the diagonal [x_(i-1),x_(i+1)] is an extremal diagonal (i.e., the interior of [x_(i-1),x_(i+1)] lies in the ...
Given a sequence {a_i}_(i=1)^N, an n-moving average is a new sequence {s_i}_(i=1)^(N-n+1) defined from the a_i by taking the arithmetic mean of subsequences of n terms, ...
