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An important theorem in plane geometry, also known as Hero's formula. Given the lengths of the sides a, b, and c and the semiperimeter s=1/2(a+b+c) (1) of a triangle, Heron's ...
The Herschel is the heptomino illustrated above which is shaped like the astronomical symbol for Saturn. It was misnamed by early investigators of the game of life who ...
The Herschel nonahedron is a canonical polyhedron whose skeleton is the Herschel graph. It has 11 vertices, 18 edges, and 9 faces. Of the edges, 6 are short and 12 are long. ...
The smallest possible number of vertices a polyhedral nonhamiltonian graph can have is 11, and there exist 74 such graphs, including the Herschel graph and the Goldner-Harary ...
For real, nonnegative terms x_n and real p with 0<p<1, the expression lim_(k->infty)x_0+(x_1+(x_2+(...+(x_k)^p)^p)^p)^p converges iff (x_n)^(p^n) is bounded.
A Hessenberg decomposition is a matrix decomposition of a matrix A into a unitary matrix P and a Hessenberg matrix H such that PHP^(H)=A, where P^(H) denotes the conjugate ...
A Hessenberg matrix is a matrix of the form [a_(11) a_(12) a_(13) ... a_(1(n-1)) a_(1n); a_(21) a_(22) a_(23) ... a_(2(n-1)) a_(2n); 0 a_(32) a_(33) ... a_(3(n-1)) a_(3n); 0 ...
If two pairs of opposite polygon vertices of a complete quadrilateral are pairs of harmonic conjugate points, then the third pair of opposite polygon vertices is likewise a ...
The Jacobian of the derivatives partialf/partialx_1, partialf/partialx_2, ..., partialf/partialx_n of a function f(x_1,x_2,...,x_n) with respect to x_1, x_2, ..., x_n is ...
H=|aa^'a^('')|a_(x^(n-2))a_(x^(n-2))^'a_(x^(n-2))^('')=0. The nonsingular inflections of a curve are its nonsingular intersections with the Hessian.
