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A heptagon is a seven-sided polygon. It is also sometimes called a septagon, though this usage mixes a Latin prefix sept- (derived from septua-, meaning "seven") with the ...
Let H be a heptagon with seven vertices given in cyclic order inscribed in a conic. Then the Pascal lines of the seven hexagons obtained by omitting each vertex of H in turn ...
A number which is simultaneously a heptagonal number Hep_n and hexagonal number Hex_m. Such numbers exist when 1/2n(5n-3)=m(2m-1). (1) Completing the square and rearranging ...
A polygonal number of the form n(5n-3)/2. The first few are 1, 7, 18, 34, 55, 81, 112, ... (OEIS A000566). The generating function for the heptagonal numbers is ...
A number which is simultaneously a heptagonal number H_n and pentagonal number P_m. Such numbers exist when 1/2n(5n-3)=1/2m(3m-1). (1) Completing the square and rearranging ...
A pyramid with a heptagonal base. The heptagonal pyramid is one of the 257 convex octahedra.
A pyramidal number of the form n(n+1)(5n-2)/6, The first few are 1, 8, 26, 60, 115, ... (OEIS A002413). The generating function for the heptagonal pyramidal numbers is ...
A number which is simultaneously a heptagonal number H_n and square number S_m. Such numbers exist when 1/2n(5n-3)=m^2. (1) Completing the square and rearranging gives ...
The unique (modulo rotations) scalene triangle formed from three vertices of a regular heptagon, having vertex angles pi/7, 2pi/7, and 4pi/7. There are a number of amazing ...
A number which is simultaneously a heptagonal number H_n and triangular number T_m. Such numbers exist when 1/2n(5n-3)=1/2m(m+1). (1) Completing the square and rearranging ...
