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An integral of the form intf(z)dz, (1) i.e., without upper and lower limits, also called an antiderivative. The first fundamental theorem of calculus allows definite ...
A set of real numbers x_1, ..., x_n is said to possess an integer relation if there exist integers a_i such that a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=0, with not all a_i=0. For ...
A sequence whose terms are integers. The most complete printed references for such sequences are Sloane (1973) and its update, Sloane and Plouffe (1995). Neil Sloane ...
The term "integral" can refer to a number of different concepts in mathematics. The most common meaning is the the fundamenetal object of calculus corresponding to summing ...
Given a group of n men arranged in a circle under the edict that every mth man will be executed going around the circle until only one remains, find the position L(n,m) in ...
A matchstick graph is a simple graph which has a graph embedding that is planar, for which all distances between vertices have unit distance, and which is non-degenerate (so ...
Minimal surfaces are defined as surfaces with zero mean curvature. A minimal surface parametrized as x=(u,v,h(u,v)) therefore satisfies Lagrange's equation, ...
The Möbius strip, also called the twisted cylinder (Henle 1994, p. 110), is a one-sided nonorientable surface obtained by cutting a closed band into a single strip, giving ...
A normal distribution in a variate X with mean mu and variance sigma^2 is a statistic distribution with probability density function ...
An ordinary differential equation (frequently called an "ODE," "diff eq," or "diffy Q") is an equality involving a function and its derivatives. An ODE of order n is an ...
