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A number is said to be simply normal to base b if its base-b expansion has each digit appearing with average frequency tending to b^(-1). A normal number is an irrational ...
A perfect magic cube is a magic cube for which the rows, columns, pillars, space diagonals, and diagonals of each n×n orthogonal slice sum to the same number (i.e., the magic ...
Riemann defined the function f(x) by f(x) = sum_(p^(nu)<=x; p prime)1/nu (1) = sum_(n=1)^(|_lgx_|)(pi(x^(1/n)))/n (2) = pi(x)+1/2pi(x^(1/2))+1/3pi(x^(1/3))+... (3) (Hardy ...
The spherical harmonics Y_l^m(theta,phi) are the angular portion of the solution to Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates where azimuthal symmetry is not present. Some ...
The mathematical study of the likelihood and probability of events occurring based on known information and inferred by taking a limited number of samples. Statistics plays ...
The signed Stirling numbers of the first kind are variously denoted s(n,m) (Riordan 1980, Roman 1984), S_n^((m)) (Fort 1948, Abramowitz and Stegun 1972), S_n^m (Jordan 1950). ...
The number of ways of partitioning a set of n elements into m nonempty sets (i.e., m set blocks), also called a Stirling set number. For example, the set {1,2,3} can be ...
Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of 13, a number commonly associated with bad luck in Western culture. While fear of the number 13 can be traced back to medieval times, the word ...
In his Meditationes algebraicae, Waring (1770, 1782) proposed a generalization of Lagrange's four-square theorem, stating that every rational integer is the sum of a fixed ...
The pathological function f_a(x)=sum_(k=1)^infty(sin(pik^ax))/(pik^a) (originally defined for a=2) that is continuous but differentiable only on a set of points of measure ...
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