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Consider a string of length 2L plucked at the right end and fixed at the left. The functional form of this configuration is f(x)=x/(2L). (1) The components of the Fourier ...
A bijective map between two metric spaces that preserves distances, i.e., d(f(x),f(y))=d(x,y), where f is the map and d(a,b) is the distance function. Isometries are ...
Linkages are linked (or constrained) mechanical structures such as those used in robots, excavators, engines, etc. They are also extensively used for character animation in ...
A multistable polyhedron is a polyhedron that can change form from one stable configuration to another with only a slight transient nondestructive elastic stretch (Goldberg ...
An N-cluster is a point lattice configuration in which the distance between every pair of points is an integer, no three points are collinear, and no four points are ...
A permutation of n distinct, ordered items in which none of the items is in its original ordered position is known as a derangement. If some, but not necessarily all, of the ...
A permutation matrix is a matrix obtained by permuting the rows of an n×n identity matrix according to some permutation of the numbers 1 to n. Every row and column therefore ...
A figurate number corresponding to a configuration of points which form a pyramid with r-sided regular polygon bases can be thought of as a generalized pyramidal number, and ...
The rook numbers r_k^((m,n)) of an m×n board are the number of subsets of size k such that no two elements have the same first or second coordinate. In other word, it is the ...
A Steiner system S(t,k,v) is a set X of v points, and a collection of subsets of X of size k (called blocks), such that any t points of X are in exactly one of the blocks. ...
