
Search Results for "electronic configuration"

71 - 80 of 223 for electronic configurationSearch Results
In the tabu search category of meta-heuristics, the essential idea is to 'forbid' search moves to points already visited in the (usually discrete) search space, at least for ...
Let gamma(G) denote the domination number of a simple graph G. Then Vizing (1963) conjectured that gamma(G)gamma(H)<=gamma(G×H), where G×H is the graph product. While the ...
Differential Equations
Given an arrangement of points, a line containing just two of them is called an ordinary line. Dirac (1951) conjectured that every sufficiently set of n noncollinear points ...
A parallelian is a line drawn parallel to one side of a triangle. The three lines drawn through a given point are known as the triangle's parallelians. There exists a unique ...
The Pasch graph is the Levi graph of the Pasch configuration. The Pasch graph is edge-transitive but not vertex-transitive, but fails to be semisymmetric since it is not ...
In 1989, P. Yff proved there is a unique configuration of isoscelizers for a given triangle such that all three have the same length and are concurrent (C. Kimberling, pers. ...
What is the area of the largest square that can be inscribed on a unit cube (Trott 2004, p. 104)? The answer is 9/8, given by a square with vertices (1/4, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1/4), ...
Two sextuples of skew lines on the general cubic surface such that each line of one is skew to one line in the other set. In all, there are 30 points, with two lines through ...
An origami configuration that can be pressed to a plane figure without crumpling it or adding new creases.
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