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An alternating sign matrix is a matrix of 0s, 1s, and -1s in which the entries in each row or column sum to 1 and the nonzero entries in each row and column alternate in ...
Apéry's constant is defined by zeta(3)=1.2020569..., (1) (OEIS A002117) where zeta(z) is the Riemann zeta function. B. Haible and T. Papanikolaou computed zeta(3) to 1000000 ...
There exists an integer N such that every string in the look and say sequence "decays" in at most N days to a compound of "common" and "transuranic elements." The table below ...
An order-n Costas array is a permutation on {1,...,n} such that the distances in each row of the triangular difference table are distinct. For example, the permutation ...
The Cartesian graph product G=G_1 square G_2, also called the graph box product and sometimes simply known as "the" graph product (Beineke and Wilson 2004, p. 104) and ...
The Jacobi triple product is the beautiful identity product_(n=1)^infty(1-x^(2n))(1+x^(2n-1)z^2)(1+(x^(2n-1))/(z^2))=sum_(m=-infty)^inftyx^(m^2)z^(2m). (1) In terms of the ...
The number of equivalent hyperspheres in n dimensions which can touch an equivalent hypersphere without any intersections, also sometimes called the Newton number, contact ...
The Laplace transform is an integral transform perhaps second only to the Fourier transform in its utility in solving physical problems. The Laplace transform is particularly ...
A magic tesseract is a four-dimensional generalization of the two-dimensional magic square and the three-dimensional magic cube. A magic tesseract has magic constant ...
A Moore graph of type (v,g) is a regular graph of vertex degree v>2 and girth g that contains the maximum possible number of nodes, namely ...
