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A divergenceless vector field, also called a solenoidal field, is a vector field for which del ·F=0. Therefore, there exists a G such that F=del xG. Furthermore, F can be ...
When working over a collection of fields, the base field is the intersection of the fields in the collection, i.e., the field contained in all other fields.
Let V be a vector space over a field K, and let A be a nonempty set. For an appropriately defined affine space A, K is called the coefficient field.
The extension field K of a field F is called a splitting field for the polynomial f(x) in F[x] if f(x) factors completely into linear factors in K[x] and f(x) does not factor ...
A field automorphism of a field F is a bijective map sigma:F->F that preserves all of F's algebraic properties, more precisely, it is an isomorphism. For example, complex ...
An imaginary quadratic field is a quadratic field Q(sqrt(D)) with D<0. Special cases are summarized in the following table. D field members -1 Gaussian integer -3 Eisenstein ...
Given an ordinary differential equation y^'=f(x,y), the slope field for that differential equation is the vector field that takes a point (x,y) to a unit vector with slope ...
A divergenceless field can be partitioned into a toroidal and a poloidal part. This separation is important in geo- and heliophysics, and in particular in dynamo theory and ...
An algebraic integer of the form a+bsqrt(D) where D is squarefree forms a quadratic field and is denoted Q(sqrt(D)). If D>0, the field is called a real quadratic field, and ...
A finite extension K=Q(z)(w) of the field Q(z) of rational functions in the indeterminate z, i.e., w is a root of a polynomial a_0+a_1alpha+a_2alpha^2+...+a_nalpha^n, where ...
