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A mathematical property P holds locally if P is true near every point. In many different areas of mathematics, this notion is very useful. For instance, the sphere, and more ...
A local ring is a ring R that contains a single maximal ideal. In this case, the Jacobson radical equals this maximal ideal. One property of a local ring R is that the subset ...
A topology tau on a topological vector space X=(X,tau) (with X usually assumed to be T2) is said to be locally convex if tau admits a local base at 0 consisting of balanced, ...
The Fredholm integral equation of the second kind f(x)=1+1/piint_(-1)^1(f(t))/((x-t)^2+1)dt that arises in electrostatics (Love 1949, Fox and Goodwin 1953, and Abbott 2002).
A maximal ideal of a ring R is an ideal I, not equal to R, such that there are no ideals "in between" I and R. In other words, if J is an ideal which contains I as a subset, ...
The direct sum of modules A and B is the module A direct sum B={a direct sum b|a in A,b in B}, (1) where all algebraic operations are defined componentwise. In particular, ...
The tensor product between modules A and B is a more general notion than the vector space tensor product. In this case, we replace "scalars" by a ring R. The familiar ...
"Much greater" is used to indicate a strong inequality in which a is not only greater than b, but much greater (by some convention), is denoted a>>b. For an astronomer, ...
A noble number nu is defined as an irrational number having a continued fraction that becomes an infinite sequence of 1s at some point, nu=[0,a_1,a_2,...,a_n,1^_]. The ...
Simplemindedly, a number theoretic transform is a generalization of a fast Fourier transform obtained by replacing e^(-2piik/N) with an nth primitive root of unity. This ...