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A prime which does not divide the class number h(p) of the cyclotomic field obtained by adjoining a primitive pth root of unity to the field of rationals. A prime p is ...
A Lie algebra over a field of characteristic zero is called semisimple if its Killing form is nondegenerate. The following properties can be proved equivalent for a ...
A closed curve associated with a knot which is displaced along the normal by a small amount. For a knot K parameterized as x^mu(s) for 0<=s<=L along the length of the knot by ...
The extension ring obtained from a commutative unit ring (other than the trivial ring) when allowing division by all non-zero divisors. The ring of fractions of an integral ...
A theorem that can be stated either in the language of abstract algebraic curves or transcendental extensions. For an abstract algebraic curve, if x and y are nonconstant ...
Let K be a number field and let O be an order in K. Then the set of equivalence classes of invertible fractional ideals of O forms a multiplicative Abelian group called the ...
A Pólya plot is a plot of the vector field of (R[f(z)],-I[f(z)]) of a complex function f(z). Several examples are shown above. Pólya plots can be created in the Wolfram ...
A map defined by one or more polynomials. Given a field K, a polynomial map is a map f:K^n->K^m such that for all points (x_1,...,x_n) in K^n, ...
The goat problem (or bull-tethering problem) considers a fenced circular field of radius a with a goat (or bull, or other animal) tied to a point on the interior or exterior ...
Any square matrix T has a canonical form without any need to extend the field of its coefficients. For instance, if the entries of T are rational numbers, then so are the ...
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