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Orthogonal circles are orthogonal curves, i.e., they cut one another at right angles. By the Pythagorean theorem, two circles of radii r_1 and r_2 whose centers are a ...
The polar coordinates r (the radial coordinate) and theta (the angular coordinate, often called the polar angle) are defined in terms of Cartesian coordinates by x = ...
There are certain optimization problems that become unmanageable using combinatorial methods as the number of objects becomes large. A typical example is the traveling ...
A quantity which gives the inclination of a curve or line with respect to another curve or line. For a line in the xy-plane making an angle theta with the x-axis, the slope m ...
Taking a connected graph or network with a high graph diameter and adding a very small number of edges randomly, the diameter tends to drop drastically. This is known as the ...
A star polygon {p/q}, with p,q positive integers, is a figure formed by connecting with straight lines every qth point out of p regularly spaced points lying on a ...
Surface area is the area of a given surface. Roughly speaking, it is the "amount" of a surface (i.e., it is proportional to the amount of paint needed to cover it), and has ...
The traveling salesman problem is a problem in graph theory requiring the most efficient (i.e., least total distance) Hamiltonian cycle a salesman can take through each of n ...
The area Delta (sometimes also denoted sigma) of a triangle DeltaABC with side lengths a, b, c and corresponding angles A, B, and C is given by Delta = 1/2bcsinA (1) = ...
For an integer n>=2, let lpf(n) denote the least prime factor of n. A pair of integers (x,y) is called a twin peak if 1. x<y, 2. lpf(x)=lpf(y), 3. For all z, x<z<y implies ...
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