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Let X be a set and S a collection of subsets of X. A set function mu:S->[0,infty] is said to possess countable monotonicity provided that, whenever a set E in S is covered by ...
The full width at half maximum (FWHM) is a parameter commonly used to describe the width of a "bump" on a curve or function. It is given by the distance between points on the ...
The Hilbert transform (and its inverse) are the integral transform g(y) = H[f(x)]=1/piPVint_(-infty)^infty(f(x)dx)/(x-y) (1) f(x) = ...
The symbol ker has at least two different meanings in mathematics. It can refer to a special function related to Bessel functions, or (written either with a capital or ...
Given a set X, a set function mu^*:2^X->[0,infty] is said to be an outer measure provided that mu^*(emptyset)=0 and that mu^* is countably monotone, where emptyset is the ...
The distribution with probability density function and distribution function P(r) = (re^(-r^2/(2s^2)))/(s^2) (1) D(r) = 1-e^(-r^2/(2s^2)) (2) for r in [0,infty) and parameter ...
The hyperbolic sine integral, often called the "Shi function" for short, is defined by Shi(z)=int_0^z(sinht)/tdt. (1) The function is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The word weight has many uses in mathematics. It can refer to a function w(x) (also called a weighting function or weighting function) used to normalize orthogonal functions. ...
The Zipf distribution, sometimes referred to as the zeta distribution, is a discrete distribution commonly used in linguistics, insurance, and the modelling of rare events. ...
The symbol ker has at least two different meanings in mathematics. It can refer to a special function related to Bessel functions, or (written either with a capital or ...
