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Archimedes' cattle problem, also called the bovinum problema, or Archimedes' reverse, is stated as follows: "The sun god had a herd of cattle consisting of bulls and cows, ...
Let the nth composition of a function f(x) be denoted f^((n))(x), such that f^((0))(x)=x and f^((1))(x)=f(x). Denote the composition of f and g by f degreesg(x)=f(g(x)), and ...
Elementary number theory is the branch of number theory in which elementary methods (i.e., arithmetic, geometry, and high school algebra) are used to solve equations with ...
An equation is a mathematical expression stating that two or more quantities are the same as one another, also called an equality, formula, or identity.
The extended greatest common divisor of two integers m and n can be defined as the greatest common divisor GCD(m,n) of m and n which also satisfies the constraint ...
Ferrari's identity is the algebraic identity
Let a, b, and k be integers with k>=1. For j=0, 1, 2, let S_j=sum_(i=j (mod 3))(-1)^i(k; i)a^(k-i)b^i. Then 2(a^2+ab+b^2)^(2k)=(S_0-S_1)^4+(S_1-S_2)^4+(S_2-S_0)^4.
The Lebesgue identity is the algebraic identity (Nagell 1951, pp. 194-195).
The l^infty-polynomial norm defined for a polynomial P=a_kx^k+...+a_1x+a_0 by ||P||_infty=max_(k)|a_k|. Note that some authors (especially in the area of Diophantine ...
A group of four elements, also called a quadruplet or tetrad.
