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941 - 950 of 13135 for dimensional analysisSearch Results
An extreme point of a subset K of a vector space X is an extreme set S of K which consists of a single point x in K. The collection of all extreme points of K is sometimes ...
A function of more than one variable.
A subset E of a topological space S is said to be nonmeager if E is of second category in S, i.e., if E cannot be written as the countable union of subsets which are nowhere ...
The norm topology on a normed space X=(X,||·||_X) is the topology tau consisting of all sets which can be written as a (possibly empty) union of sets of the form B_r(x)={y in ...
Let H be a Hilbert space, B(H) the set of bounded linear operators from H to itself, T an operator on H, and sigma(T) the operator spectrum of T. Then if T in B(H) and T is ...
An entire function which is a generalization of the Bessel function of the first kind defined by J_nu(z)=1/piint_0^picos(nutheta-zsintheta)dtheta. Anger's original function ...
The integral int_0^1x^p(1-x)^qdx, called the Eulerian integral of the first kind by Legendre and Whittaker and Watson (1990). The solution is the beta function B(p+1,q+1).
The Gelfand transform x|->x^^ is defined as follows. If phi:B->C is linear and multiplicative in the senses phi(ax+by)=aphi(x)+bphi(y) and phi(xy)=phi(x)phi(y), where B is a ...
If a complex function f is analytic in a disk contained in a simply connected domain D and f can be analytically continued along every polygonal arc in D, then f can be ...
Let 0<p_1<p_2<... be integers and suppose that there exists a lambda>1 such that p_(j+1)/p_j>lambda for j=1, 2, .... Suppose that for some sequence of complex numbers {a_j} ...
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