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1891 - 1900 of 13135 for dimensional analysisSearch Results
A function that has a natural boundary.
The second-order ordinary differential equation y^('')+k/xy^'+epsilony^'y=0.
Let a space curve have line elements ds_N, ds_T, and ds_B along the normal, tangent, and binormal vectors respectively, then ds_N^2=ds_T^2+ds_B^2, (1) where ds_N^2 = ...
A necessary and sufficient condition for a curve to be a helix is that the ratio of curvature to torsion be constant.
The system of partial differential equations U_t=U·U_(xx)+U·LambdaU.
(theta_3(z,t)theta_4(z,t))/(theta_4(2z,2t))=(theta_3(0,t)theta_4(0,t))/(theta_4(0,2t))=(theta_2(z,t)theta_1(z,t))/(theta_1(2z,2t)), where theta_i are Jacobi theta functions. ...
The dilogarithm identity Li_2(-x)=-Li_2(x/(1+x))-1/2[ln(1+x)]^2.
If xsinalpha=sin(2beta-alpha), then (1+x)int_0^alpha(dphi)/(sqrt(1-x^2sin^2phi))=2int_0^beta(dphi)/(sqrt(1-(4x)/((1+x)^2)sin^2phi)).
A self-adjoint elliptic differential operator defined somewhat technically as Delta=ddelta+deltad, where d is the exterior derivative and d and delta are adjoint to each ...
Laplace's integral is one of the following integral representations of the Legendre polynomial P_n(x), P_n(x) = 1/piint_0^pi(du)/((x+sqrt(x^2-1)cosu)^(n+1))du (1) = ...
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