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1431 - 1440 of 13135 for dimensional analysisSearch Results
A Banach space X has the approximation property (AP) if, for every epsilon>0 and each compact subset K of X, there is a finite rank operator T in X such that for each x in K, ...
A bounded operator T:V->W between two Banach spaces satisfies the inequality ||Tv||<=C||v||, (1) where C is a constant independent of the choice of v in V. The inequality is ...
The function defined by the contour integral J_(n,k)(z) =1/(2pii)int^((0+))t^(-n-1)(t+1/t)^kexp[1/2z(t-1/t)]dt, where int_((0+)) denotes the contour encircling the point z=0 ...
Any continuous function G:B^n->B^n has a fixed point, where B^n={x in R^n:x_1^2+...+x_n^2<=1} is the unit n-ball.
Given any open set U in R^n with compact closure K=U^_, there exist smooth functions which are identically one on U and vanish arbitrarily close to U. One way to express this ...
A function with k continuous derivatives is called a C^k function. In order to specify a C^k function on a domain X, the notation C^k(X) is used. The most common C^k space is ...
The central beta function is defined by beta(p)=B(p,p), (1) where B(p,q) is the beta function. It satisfies the identities beta(p) = 2^(1-2p)B(p,1/2) (2) = ...
The Cesàro means of a function f are the arithmetic means sigma_n=1/n(s_0+...+s_(n-1)), (1) n=1, 2, ..., where the addend s_k is the kth partial sum ...
Let A be a commutative complex Banach algebra. A nonzero homomorphism from A onto the field of complex numbers is called a character. Every character is automatically ...
The first type of tensor-like object derived from a Riemannian metric g which is used to study the geometry of the metric. Christoffel symbols of the first kind are variously ...
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