Search Results for "decoherence theory"
9641 - 9650 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results

The symbol used to separate the integer part of a decimal number from its fractional part is called the decimal point. In the United States, the decimal point is denoted with ...
A differential k-form omega of degree p in an exterior algebra ^ V is decomposable if there exist p one-forms alpha_i such that omega=alpha_1 ^ ... ^ alpha_p, (1) where alpha ...
The inversion of a convolution equation, i.e., the solution for f of an equation of the form f*g=h+epsilon, given g and h, where epsilon is the noise and * denotes the ...
A function f(x) decreases on an interval I if f(b)<=f(a) for all b>a, where a,b in I. If f(b)<f(a) for all b>a, the function is said to be strictly decreasing. Conversely, a ...
The determination of the number of monotone Boolean functions of n variables (equivalent to the number of antichains on the n-set {1,2,...,n}) is called Dedekind's problem, ...
A metatheorem in mathematical logic also known under the name "conditional proof." It states that if the sentential formula B can be derived from the set of sentential ...
A subspace A of X is called a deformation retract of X if there is a homotopy F:X×I->X (called a retract) such that for all x in X and a in A, 1. F(x,0)=x, 2. F(x,1) in A, ...
A limiting case in which a class of object changes its nature so as to belong to another, usually simpler, class. For example, the point is a degenerate case of the circle as ...
Degen's eight-square identity is the incredible polynomial identity (1) found around 1818 by the Danish mathematician Ferdinand Degen (1766-1825). It was subsequently ...
The word "degree" has many meanings in mathematics. The most common meaning is the unit of angle measure defined such that an entire rotation is 360 degrees. This unit harks ...