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Given a Pythagorean triple (a,b,c), the fractions a/b and b/a are called Pythagorean fractions. Diophantus showed that the Pythagorean fractions consist precisely of ...
The doublestruck capital letter Q, Q, denotes the field of rationals. It derives from the German word Quotient, which can be translated as "ratio." The symbol Q first ...
R^- denotes the real negative numbers.
R^+ denotes the real positive numbers.
The doublestruck letter R denotes the field of real numbers.
The root lattice of a semisimple Lie algebra is the discrete lattice generated by the Lie algebra roots in h^*, the dual vector space to the Cartan subalgebra.
A negative number multiplied by another negative number gives a positive number.
For K a given knot in S^3, choose a Seifert surface M^2 in S^3 for K and a bicollar M^^×[-1,1] in S^3-K. If x in H_1(M^^) is represented by a 1-cycle in M^^, let x^+ denote ...
There exist infinitely many n>0 with p_n^2>p_(n-i)p_(n+i) for all i<n, where p_n is the nth prime. Also, there exist infinitely many n>0 such that 2p_n<p_(n-i)+p_(n+i) for ...
An graph edge of a graph is separating if a path from a point A to a point B must pass over it. Separating graph edges can therefore be viewed as either bridges or dead ends.
