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4081 - 4090 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results
A random walk is a sequence of discrete steps in which each step is randomly taken subject to some set of restrictions in allowed directions and step lengths. Random walks ...
The rank polynomial R(x,y) of a general graph G is the function defined by R(x,y)=sum_(S subset= E(G))x^(r(S))y^(s(S)), (1) where the sum is taken over all subgraphs (i.e., ...
Abstractly, a spatial configuration F is said to possess rotational symmetry if F remains invariant under the group C=C(F). Here, C(F) denotes the group of rotations of F and ...
Let a number n be written in binary as n=(epsilon_kepsilon_(k-1)...epsilon_1epsilon_0)_2, (1) and define b_n=sum_(i=0)^(k-1)epsilon_iepsilon_(i+1) (2) as the number of digits ...
A Sierpiński number of the first kind is a number of the form S_n=n^n+1. The first few are 2, 5, 28, 257, 3126, 46657, 823544, 16777217, ... (OEIS A014566). Sierpiński proved ...
A simple group is a group whose only normal subgroups are the trivial subgroup of order one and the improper subgroup consisting of the entire original group. Simple groups ...
An integer is k-smooth if it has no prime factors >k. The following table gives the first few k-smooth numbers for small k. Berndt (1994, p. 52) called the 7-smooth numbers ...
Ramanujan calculated mu=1.45136380... (Hardy 1999, Le Lionnais 1983, Berndt 1994), while the correct value is mu=1.45136923488... (OEIS A070769; Derbyshire 2004, p. 114). The ...
A solvable group is a group having a normal series such that each normal factor is Abelian. The special case of a solvable finite group is a group whose composition indices ...
A homework problem proposed in Steffi's math class in January 2003 asked students to prove that no ratio of two unequal numbers obtained by permuting all the digits 1, 2, ...
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