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2671 - 2680 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results
A left Hilbert Algebra A whose involution is an antilinear isometry is called a unimodular Hilbert algebra. The involution is usually denoted xi|->xi^*.
A natural transformation Phi_Y:B(AY)->Y is called unital if the leftmost diagram above commutes. Similarly, a natural transformation Psi_Y:Y->A(BY) is called unital if the ...
Let A be a unital C^*-algebra. An element u in A is called unitary if u^*u=uu^*=1. For example, for each self-adjoint element a in A, the element ...
A unitary perfect number is a number n which is the sum of its unitary divisors with the exception of n itself. There are no odd unitary perfect numbers, and it has been ...
An unordered pair representation is a representation of an undirected graph in which edges are specified as unordered pairs of vertex indices. The unordered pairs ...
The vertex cover number is the size of a minimum vertex cover in a graph G is known as the vertex cover number of G, denoted tau(G). The König-Egeváry theorem states that the ...
A walk is a sequence v_0, e_1, v_1, ..., v_k of graph vertices v_i and graph edges e_i such that for 1<=i<=k, the edge e_i has endpoints v_(i-1) and v_i (West 2000, p. 20). ...
A weakly connected digraph is a directed graph in which it is possible to reach any node starting from any other node by traversing edges in some direction (i.e., not ...
The prime link 05-0201, illustrated above, with braid word sigma_1^2sigma_2^2sigma_1^(-1)sigma_2^(-2) or sigma_1sigma_2^(-1)sigma_1sigma_2^(-2) and Jones polynomial ...
If p is a prime >3, then the numerator of the harmonic number H_(p-1)=1+1/2+1/3+...+1/(p-1) (1) is divisible by p^2 and the numerator of the generalized harmonic number ...
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