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Given a hereditary representation of a number n in base b, let B[b](n) be the nonnegative integer which results if we syntactically replace each b by b+1 (i.e., B[b] is a ...
Two distinct knots cannot have the same exterior. Or, equivalently, a knot is completely determined by its knot exterior (Cipra 1988; Adams 1994, p. 261). The question was ...
The graph product denoted G-H and defined by the adjacency relations (gadjg^') or (g=g^' and hadjh^'). The graph lexicographic product is also known as the graph composition ...
The kth power of a graph G is a graph with the same set of vertices as G and an edge between two vertices iff there is a path of length at most k between them (Skiena 1990, ...
Graph smoothing, also known as smoothing away or smoothing out, is the process of replacing edges e^'=v_iv_j and e^('')=v_jv_k incident at a vertex v_j of vertex degree 2 by ...
The square of a graph is defined as its second graph power. The square of any biconnected graph is Hamiltonian (Fleischner 1974, Skiena 1990, p. 231). Mukhopadhyay (1967) has ...
An edge subdivision is the insertion of a new vertex v_j in the middle of an exiting edge e=v_iv_k accompanied by the joining of the original edge endpoints with the new ...
There are two different statements, each separately known as the greatest common divisor theorem. 1. Given positive integers m and n, it is possible to choose integers x and ...
The grid shading problem is the problem of proving the unimodality of the sequence {a_1,a_2,...,a_(mn)}, where for fixed m and n, a_i is the number of partitions of i with at ...
In the original formulation, a quantity associated with ideal class groups. According to Chevalley's formulation, a Grössencharakter is a multiplicative character of the ...
