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2421 - 2430 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results
The symbol intersection , used for the intersection of sets, and sometimes also for the logical connective AND instead of the symbol ^ (wedge). In fact, for any two sets A ...
Carmichael's conjecture asserts that there are an infinite number of Carmichael numbers. This was proven by Alford et al. (1994).
For any system that seeks to minimize a function, only seven different local forms of catastrophe "typically" occur for four or fewer variables: 1. Fold catastrophe, 2. Cusp ...
Let P be a finite partially ordered set. A chain in P is a set of pairwise comparable elements (i.e., a totally ordered subset). The partial order length of P is the maximum ...
A characteristic factor is a factor in a particular factorization of the totient function phi(n) such that the product of characteristic factors gives the representation of a ...
There are at least two theorems known as Chebyshev's theorem. The first is Bertrand's postulate, proposed by Bertrand in 1845 and proved by Chebyshev using elementary methods ...
Every "large" even number may be written as 2n=p+m where p is a prime and m in P union P_2 is the set of primes P and semiprimes P_2.
Chevalley's theorem, also known as the Chevalley-Waring theorem, states that if f is a polynomial in F[x_1,...,x_n], where F is a finite field of field characteristic p, and ...
A problem asking for the shortest tour of a graph which visits each edge at least once (Kwan 1962; Skiena 1990, p. 194). For an Eulerian graph, an Eulerian cycle is the ...
Let O be an order of an imaginary quadratic field. The class equation of O is the equation H_O=0, where H_O is the extension field minimal polynomial of j(O) over Q, with ...
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