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1841 - 1850 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results
Let E be a set of expressions representing real, single-valued partially defined functions of one real variable. Let E^* be the set of functions represented by expressions in ...
One of the "knots" t_(p+1), ..., t_(m-p-1) of a B-spline with control points P_0, ..., P_n and knot vector T={t_0,t_1,...,t_m}, where p=m-n-1.
A polynomial map phi_(f), with f=(f_1,...,f_n) in (K[X_1,...,X_n])^m in a field K is called invertible if there exist g_1,...,g_m in K[X_1,...,x_n] such that ...
The Ionin-Kharaghani graph is a strongly regular graph on 765 vertices and 73440 edges. It has regular parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(765,192,48,48). It is implemented in the ...
An element a of a ring which is nonzero, not a unit, and whose only divisors are the trivial ones (i.e., the units and the products ua, where u is a unit). Equivalently, an ...
An irreducible fraction is a fraction p/q for which GCD(p,q)=1, i.e., p and q are relatively prime. For example, in the complex plane, (4+7i)/(2+i)=3+2i is reducible, while ...
A proper ideal of a ring that is not the intersection of two ideals which properly contain it. In a principal ideal domain, the ideal I=<a> is irreducible iff a=0 or a is an ...
A ring in which the zero ideal is an irreducible ideal. Every integral domain R is irreducible since if I and J are two nonzero ideals of R, and a in I, b in J are nonzero ...
If p divides the numerator of the Bernoulli number B_(2k) for 0<2k<p-1, then (p,2k) is called an irregular pair. For p<30000, the irregular pairs of various forms are p=16843 ...
Two groups G and H are said to be isoclinic if there are isomorphisms G/Z(G)->H/Z(H) and G^'->H^', where Z(G) is the group center of the group, which identify the two ...