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An antilinear operator A^~ satisfies the following two properties: A^~[f_1(x)+f_2(x)] = A^~f_1(x)+A^~f_2(x) (1) A^~cf(x) = c^_A^~f(x), (2) where c^_ is the complex conjugate ...
A set which transforms via converse functions. Antisets usually arise in the context of Chu spaces.
A number of the form p^a·A is said to be an antisquare if it fails to be a square number for the two reasons that a is odd and A is a nonsquare (modulo p). The first few ...
A relation R on a set S is antisymmetric provided that distinct elements are never both related to one another. In other words xRy and yRx together imply that x=y.
An operator A^~ is said to be antiunitary if it satisfies: <A^~f_1|A^~f_2> = <f_1|f_2>^_ (1) A^~[f_1(x)+f_2(x)] = A^~f_1(x)+A^~f_2(x) (2) A^~cf(x) = c^_A^~f(x), (3) where ...
Araya and Wiener (2011) found the two cubic planar hypohamiltonian graphs on 70 and 88 vertices, respectively, illustrated above.
A directed graph is called an arborescence if, from a given node x known as the root vertex, there is exactly one elementary path from x to every other node y.
Arnauld's paradox states that if negative numbers exist, then (-1)/1 must equal 1/(-1), which asserts that the ratio of a smaller to a larger quantity equals the ratio of the ...
The sequence whose definition is: "t is the first, fourth, eleventh, ... letter of this sentence." The first few values are 1, 4, 11, 16, 24, 29, 33, 35, 39, ... (OEIS ...
An Artin L-function over the rationals Q encodes in a generating function information about how an irreducible monic polynomial over Z factors when reduced modulo each prime. ...
