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11831 - 11840 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results
A binary unit of information equal to 8 bits. Unfortunately, the storage of binary numbers in computers is not entirely standardized. Because computers store information in ...
A C-matrix is a symmetric (C^(T)=C) or antisymmetric (C^(T)=-C) C_n (-1,0,1)-matrix with diagonal elements 0 and others +/-1 that satisfies CC^(T)=(n-1)I, (1) where I is the ...
A polyhedron is said to be canonical if all its polyhedron edges touch a sphere and the center of gravity of their contact points is the center of that sphere. In other ...
The Cantor function F(x) is the continuous but not absolutely continuous function on [0,1] which may be defined as follows. First, express x in ternary. If the resulting ...
The Carlson elliptic integrals, also known as the Carlson symmetric forms, are a standard set of canonical elliptic integrals which provide a convenient alternative to ...
An equation representing a locus L in the n-dimensional Euclidean space. It has the form L:f(x_1,...,x_n)=0, (1) where the left-hand side is some expression of the Cartesian ...
The "Cartesian ovals," sometimes also known as the Cartesian curve or oval of Descartes, are the quartic curve consisting of two ovals. They were first studied by Descartes ...
The Cartesian product of two sets A and B (also called the product set, set direct product, or cross product) is defined to be the set of all points (a,b) where a in A and b ...
The Catalan numbers on nonnegative integers n are a set of numbers that arise in tree enumeration problems of the type, "In how many ways can a regular n-gon be divided into ...
The dual polyhedra of the Archimedean solids, given in the following table. They are known as Catalan solids in honor of the Belgian mathematician who first published them in ...