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Let X be a normed space and X^(**)=(X^*)^* denote the second dual vector space of X. The canonical map x|->x^^ defined by x^^(f)=f(x),f in X^* gives an isometric linear ...
A method for fitting a curve (not necessarily a straight line) through a set of points using some goodness-of-fit criterion. The most common type of regression is linear ...
The regular dodecagon, illustrated above, is the constructible 12-sided regular polygon that can be denoted using the Schläfli symbol {12}. The Australian 50-cent piece is ...
Regular expressions define formal languages as sets of strings over a finite alphabet. Let sigma denote a selected alphabet. Then emptyset is a regular expression that ...
The regular hendecagon is the regular polygon with 11 sides, as illustrated above, and has Schläfli symbol {11}. The regular hendecagon cannot be constructed using the ...
The regular nonagon is the regular polygon with nine sides and Schläfli symbol {9}. The regular nonagon cannot be constructed using the classical Greek rules of geometric ...
The regular octagon is the regular polygon with eight sides, as illustrated above. The inradius r, circumradius R, and area A of the regular octagon can be computed directly ...
A regular patch is a patch x:U->R^n for which the Jacobian J(x)(u,v) has rank 2 for all (u,v) in U. A patch is said to be regular at a point (u_0,v_0) in U provided that its ...
A regular pyramid is a right pyramid whose base is a regular polygon. For a right pyramid of height h with a regular n-gonal base of side length a and circumradius R, the ...
A regular skew polyhedron is a polyhedron whose faces and vertex figures are regular skew polygons. There are only three regular skew polyhedra in Euclidean three-space ...