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10601 - 10610 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results

There are two functions commonly denoted mu, each of which is defined in terms of integrals. Another unrelated mathematical function represented using the Greek letter mu is ...
"Much greater" is used to indicate a strong inequality in which a is not only greater than b, but much greater (by some convention), is denoted a>>b. For an astronomer, ...
An optical illusion in which the orientation of arrowheads makes one line segment look longer than another. In the above figure, the line segments on the left and right are ...
A multidimensional point process is a measurable function from a probability space (Omega,A,P) into (X,Sigma) where X is the set of all finite or countable subsets of R^d not ...
A generalization of the factorial and double factorial, n! = n(n-1)(n-2)...2·1 (1) n!! = n(n-2)(n-4)... (2) n!!! = n(n-3)(n-6)..., (3) etc., where the products run through ...
An n-fold multimagic cube is a magic cube that remains magic when each element is squared, cubed, etc., up to nth power. (Of course, when the elements of a cube are taken to ...
A magic square is said to be p-multimagic if the square formed by replacing each element by its kth power for k=1, 2, ..., p is also magic. A 2-multimagic square is called ...
Let a set of random variates X_1, X_2, ..., X_n have a probability function P(X_1=x_1,...,X_n=x_n)=(N!)/(product_(i=1)^(n)x_i!)product_(i=1)^ntheta_i^(x_i) (1) where x_i are ...
In a set X equipped with a binary operation · called a product, the multiplicative identity is an element e such that e·x=x·e=x for all x in X. It can be, for example, the ...
The word multiplicity is a general term meaning "the number of values for which a given condition holds." For example, the term is used to refer to the value of the totient ...
