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The level set of a differentiable function f:R^n->R corresponding to a real value c is the set of points {(x_1,...,x_n) in R^n:f(x_1,...,x_n)=c}. For example, the level set ...
Levenberg-Marquardt is a popular alternative to the Gauss-Newton method of finding the minimum of a function F(x) that is a sum of squares of nonlinear functions, ...
A fractal curve, also called the C-curve (Gosper 1972). The base curve and motif are illustrated below. Duvall and Keesling (1999) proved that the Hausdorff dimension of the ...
There are several conflicting meanings associated with the notation lgx. In German and Russian literature, the notation lgx is used to mean the common logarithm log_(10)x. ...
A minimal surface that contains lemniscates as geodesics which is given by the parametric equations x = R[sqrt(2)cos(1/3zeta)sqrt(cos(2/3zeta))] (1) y = ...
Given a map f from a space X to a space Y and another map g from a space Z to a space Y, a lift is a map h from X to Z such that gh=f. In other words, a lift of f is a map h ...
In n-dimensional Lorentzian space R^n=R^(1,n-1), the light cone C^(n-1) is defined to be the subset consisting of all vectors x=(x_0,x_1,...,x_(n-1)) (1) whose squared ...
A four-vector a_mu is said to be lightlike if its four-vector norm satisfies a_mua^mu=0. One should note that the four-vector norm is nothing more than a special case of the ...
The limaçon trisectrix is a trisectrix that is a special case of the rose curve with n=1/3 (possibly with translation, rotation, and scaling). It was studied by Archimedes, ...
A number x such that for all epsilon>0, there exists a member of the set y different from x such that |y-x|<epsilon. The topological definition of limit point P of A is that ...
