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10391 - 10400 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results
Let S_n be the sum of n random variates X_i with a Bernoulli distribution with P(X_i=1)=p_i. Then sum_(k=0)^infty|P(S_n=k)-(e^(-lambda)lambda^k)/(k!)|<2sum_(i=1)^np_i^2, ...
A procedure for determining the behavior of an nth order ordinary differential equation at a removable singularity without actually solving the equation. Consider ...
Leakage, more explicitly called spectral leakage, is a smearing of power across a frequency spectrum that occurs when the signal being measured is not periodic in the sample ...
To fit a functional form y=Ae^(Bx), (1) take the logarithm of both sides lny=lnA+Bx. (2) The best-fit values are then a = ...
In practice, the vertical offsets from a line (polynomial, surface, hyperplane, etc.) are almost always minimized instead of the perpendicular offsets. This provides a ...
Generalizing from a straight line (i.e., first degree polynomial) to a kth degree polynomial y=a_0+a_1x+...+a_kx^k, (1) the residual is given by ...
Each double point assigned to an irreducible algebraic curve whose curve genus is nonnegative imposes exactly one condition.
Gamma functions of argument 2z can be expressed in terms of gamma functions of smaller arguments. From the definition of the beta function, ...
The (associated) Legendre function of the first kind P_n^m(z) is the solution to the Legendre differential equation which is regular at the origin. For m,n integers and z ...
Let E(k) and K(k) be complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kinds, with E^'(k) and K^'(k) the complementary integrals. Then ...
